My favorite tv programme when i was child

 Hi,I hope you are okey!

Today  I gonna talk about one of my favorite tv programme that I enjoyed when I was child it´s call las aventuras de Brandy y el Sr. bigotes is from Disney Channel and the first episode was in 2006.
I remember that I watched this tv programme in the morning before go to school, my mom always put the programme for wake me up haha.
The programme it´s about the adventures of a rabbit call Sr. bigotes and a dog ( i think ,i don´t sure) call Brandy, they lost in the  jungle so they try to live in a home made in a tree but they can´t because they have a lot of problem with her bad neighbors like Gaspar lee, it´s a alligator and the boss of the jungle and is so rude with another animals. I don´t know why but i think it´s really curious how the people ( or animals in this case haha ) try to live with nothing and made everything that he need even a house with things they found in the jungle.
I really enjoyed the programme beacuse when I was child i thinking i was really funny and amazing, I mean they try to live in the jungle!
Writing this blog i remember the song of the introduction and now it´s around in my mind ! 

 Bye, i see you in the next blog.😀✌


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