A Photograph

 Hi,I hope you are okey!

Today I´m gonna talk about one of my favorite picture was taken in January 8,2022 in my home in Santiago. I remember that I was start to wake up and I was looking for my cats and then a take look outside and my eyes watch this funny and cute scene at 06:35 AM( like the picture), so in my mind I was thinking I´m gonna take a picture of this moment and send to my mom.

In the photograph you can see my three cats Charlot,Cleo and Fidel well you can see only the ears from Fidel haha, he is a shy cat!.

I really like this photo because show how crazy are my cats I mean they probably be here for the birds at 06 AM !! but obviously  they only look, so I think that my cats are a huge fan of the birds and if they could talk they probably gonna say the zorzal is her favorite bird.

Bye, i see you in the next blog.😀✌



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