A Walk

                                                                    Hi,I hope you are okey!

Today i’m gonna talk about a walk that i always remember like good memory, it was in summer 2020

just one month before crises of COVID in chile ( i guess that i was lucky) in Morro de Arica.

I went with my family and we wanted to watch the sunset. If I need to say something bad, it's the high

wind because it was so cold! but the sunset  is worth it because the view in this place is really amazing,

you can see the ocean and the hills at the same time!

I really enjoyed this walk because there is a museum about the pacific war in 1879 , so this place has a

lot of history, this territory belonged to Peru and was won as Chile territory in the Battle of Arica.

For that reason I think that it's really special!

Also the morro has a big flag of Chile and a Catholic statue( i don't remember the person of the

statue,sorry :c).Personally I would like to go again because the history of this place is something really special so I

recommend this place for everyone even if you want to go alone and I swear you won’t get bored.

Bye, i see you in the next blog.😀✌


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