
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2022

my favorite hobby

                                                               Hi,I hope you are okey! Today  I´m gonna write about my favorite hobby on free time and it´s cooking cupcakes or sweet things in general! I started when i was child like 15 or 16 years, i remember that i spending  a lot time learn about new recipe or how to cook new things  even my family give me book of recipe and i remember one of my big dream was have a cake shop like cake boos haha(so another hobby it´s watch tv). I guess that the tools it´s very simple i mean you can cook with the things that you have in your kitchen and maybe if you want to do more professional you can buy more things like decoration or buy new flavors like chocalet,mint, vanilla or whatever you like to try.  you need to expand yor mind and eat new things for that reason i like cook because you can experiment with the flavors.  When i was a child i tried to cook always once time in the week but now with the university i dont have so much time free so

My favorite tv programme when i was child

  Hi,I hope you are okey! Today  I gonna talk about one of my favorite tv programme that I enjoyed when I was child it´s call las aventuras de Brandy y el Sr. bigotes is from Disney Channel and the first episode was in 2006. I remember that I watched this  tv programme in the morning before go to school, my mom always put the programme for wake me up haha. The programme it´s about the adventures of a rabbit call Sr. bigotes and a dog ( i think ,i don´t sure) call Brandy, they lost in the  jungle so they try to live in a home made in a tree but they can´t because they have a lot of problem with her bad neighbors like Gaspar lee, it´s a alligator and the boss of the jungle and is so rude with another animals. I don´t know why but i think it´s really curious how the people ( or animals in this case haha ) try to live with nothing and made everything that he need even a house with things they found in the jungle. I really enjoyed the programme beacuse when I was child i thinking i was real

A Photograph

 Hi,I hope you are okey! Today I´m gonna talk about one of my favorite picture was taken in January 8,2022 in my home in Santiago. I remember that I was start to wake up and I was looking for my cats and then a take look outside and my eyes watch this funny and cute scene at 06:35 AM( like the picture), so in my mind I was thinking I´m gonna take a picture of this moment and send to my mom. In the photograph you can see my three cats Charlot,Cleo and Fidel well you can see only the ears from Fidel haha, he is a shy cat!. I really like this photo because show how crazy are my cats I mean they probably be here for the birds at 06 AM !! but obviously  they only look, so I think that my cats are a huge fan of the birds and if they could talk they probably gonna say the zorzal is her favorite bird. Bye, i see you in the next blog.😀✌  

First blog - An introduction

 hi,i hope you are okey! My name is Natalia and i have 19 years old, i was born in April 16,2003 in Santiago,chile. I live in santiago for 8 years but i move to live in yungay after earthquake in 2010 and  now in 2022 I return to live in santiago because I study geography in Universidad de Chile and i really like learn about the word,the geolgy of the landscape in chile and social phenomenon.And i think the most important reason why i study geography is to help the people and word in climate change in the future. I don't have so much hobbies but since i was 14 years i spend a lot of time reading and now i think that it's my favorite hobbie and i really enjoy it, especially in summer when i have more free time .Another hobbie maybe it´s practicing yoga  in the morning of before going to sleep.And only sometimes in summer, i enjoy cycling to the river in yungay,especially in the morning because of the heat. Bye, i see you in the next blog.😀✌