How geography make the World a better place

 Hello everyone,Its really nice see you again! 

My career as well as many affects the world in a positive way, as it helps the urban development and planning of cities, just as it can help prevent  catastrophes such as floods or mass removals, you can also study social phenomena such as immigration or gentrification, so I like geography because helps the world in many ways.

My main reason for studying this career was to be able to help people and understand the landscape, I hope in the future to be a geographer and positively help the world and its urban and social development.

I believe that geography benefits the world in different ways, since the university grants complete professional development because it allows us to understand the climate and work with it, as well as allowing us to understand geomorphology and avoid disasters in vulnerable townss and if you want too study some social  and climatic phenomenom at the same time.


  1. I didn't know much about what geography was about, I think it's great, I hope you meet your goals

  2. Hello nati! I really like the same think you do about geography... there is still a lot to understand haha cheers


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